This endpoint retrieves a matter by its mattercode.
Strings with the following special characters will need them replacing with these alternatives:
Character | Replacement |
string Base64 [email]:[key]
Name | Type | Description |
matterCode | string | Reference code for matter in Equinox |
"id": "296",
"oldCode": null,
"oldId": null,
"country": "GB",
"countryName": "United Kingdom",
"status": {
"id": "0",
"name": "Open"
"matterCode": "000027GB",
"shortTitle": "Magic \"The Bean\" Beans",
"longTitle": "Magic \"The Bean\" Beans Sauce",
"formalTitle": null,
"clientRef": null,
"parentage": null,
"designatedCountries": null,
"application": {},
"publication": {},
"natRegEntry": {},
"natRegPublication": null,
"grant": {},
"priority": {},
"applicants": [
"id": "44",
"oldId": null,
"type": null,
"name": "Tom Wilfpp",
"formalName": "Tom Wilf",
"formalNameTitle": null,
"formalNameFirst": null,
"formalNameMiddle": null,
"formalNameLast": null,
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"otherSideSolicitors": [],
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"id": "36",
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"id": "1",
"name": "Registereddesigns - Product Designs",
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"expiryDate": null,
"client": {
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"name": "Example Company",
"orgCode": "EXA",
"categories": [
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"marketSource": "0",
"marketNotes": null,
"exportNumber": "",
"tags": "",
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"setupDateTime": "2018-11-06 09:29:50",
"setupByUser": "1782",
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"modifiedDateTime": null,
"modifiedByUser": null,
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"generalPowerAttorneyStartDate": "0000-00-00",
"generalPowerAttorneyStartEnd": "0000-00-00",
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"contactCheckedDate": null,
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"id": "2"
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"type": null,
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"address": "Example Company\r\n13 Placeholder Street\r\nTypical City\r\nSample County",
"street1": "",
"street2": "",
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"city": "",
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"email2": null,
"email3": null,
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"extraCareNotes": "",
"extraCareNotesColor": "",
"setupDateTime": "2018-11-06 09:29:50",
"setupByUser": "1782",
"modifiedDateTime": "2018-11-06 09:29:50",
"modifiedByUser": "1782",
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"VATNumber": "",
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"oldId": null,
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"matterToSaveInvoicesOn": "0",
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"customFields": [],
"addressString": "Example Company<br />\r\n13 Placeholder Street<br />\r\nTypical City<br />\r\nSample County,<br>BU88 73S"
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"openDate": "2019-11-05 10:50:25",
"designatedStates": "",
"parentMatterId": null,
"typeId": "7",
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"renewalClient": null,
"renewalClientId": null,
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"renewalBillingAddressId": null,
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"associatesLoaded": null,
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"customFields": []