Equinox's Import from PTO functionality lets you search for cases on PTO registers and import cases with a couple of clicks. 
Equinox gets its official office data from the following sources, using Questel APIs:

  • iOrbit for Patents. This contains data from 120 official offices globally.

  • Markify for Trade marks. This contains data from 240 official offices globally. 


Accessing the Search and Import from PTO functionality

You can access the Search and Import from PTO functionality from any page in Equinox. To get there:

  1. Click the file icon in the top right of your Equinox toolbar

  2. Click the From PTO button 

  3. This opens the Search and Import from PTO screen


Searchable fields

From this screen, you can search for the following information:

Case Type

  • Patents

  • Trade marks


  • Application Number

  • Publication Number

  • Grant Number

  • Priority Number

  • Title


  • All countries (only available for Patents)

  • National jurisdiction (e.g., GB)

  • International jurisdiction (e.g., WIPO)

See our articles on importing patent and trade mark cases for further information.