v10.2.2 was made available for release from 28/12/2022.


System AreaImprovementContact Support to Use
Added the option to remove the VAT total row from invoice tables on single invoices, using modifier |NOVATTOTAL| on the #INVOICETABLE# merge code
Address BookAdded preferences to allow client care files to be created automatically when foreign associate or other associate organisations are created in the address bookYes
APIUpdated API incoming invoices to store the team of the user
ReportingUpdated document FAO report column to be a dropdown



System AreaFix
System PreferencesResolved issue with updating password preferences 
Resolved issue with using multipliers with charge sheet items with more than 2 decimal places
SecurityVarious security updates
InvoicingResolved issue with time column in invoice tables
InvoicingResolved error on invoice details page when the associated task has been deleted
System WordingsResolved issue with associate preference word not being used in bulk update tool
APIUpdated API to store the team of the user against a charge
Resolved issue with commentary types not displaying correctly in Manage Dropdowns
ReportingResolved issue with billed charges report excluding adjustments when exported