The glossary below gives definitions of objects available.
Note: Multiple objects can be used in one expression, e.g. matter.client.orgCode. This example is accessing organisation details through the matter object.
- Matter Object
- MatterStatus Object
- HistoryDate Object
- ApplicantInventor Object
- MatterLocationWithContactReference Object
- Organisation Object
- Address Object
- Contact (Person) Object
- User Object
- MatterCategory Object
- MatterStatus Object
- MatterSubCategory Object
- PresetTaskItem Object
- LocationInvoiceSettings Object
- Custom Field Object
- Charge Object
- ChargeSheetItem
- Task
- Country
Matter Object
Variable Name | Data Type | Description | | Int | The internal Equinox matter ID |
matter.oldCode | String | The old code field | | String | The country code |
matter.countryName | String | The full country name |
matter.status | MatterStatus | Object detailing the status of this matter |
matter.matterCode | String | The matter code |
matter.shortTitle | String | The short title |
matter.longTitle | String | The long title |
matter.formalTitle | String | The formal title |
matter.clientRef | String | The client reference |
matter.parentage | String | The parent field value |
matter.designatedCountries | String | The designated countries field value (comma separated country codes) |
matter.application | HistoryDate | The application date/number information |
matter.publication | HistoryDate | The publication date/number information |
matter.natRegEntry | HistoryDate | The national regional entry date/number information |
matter.natRegPublication | HistoryDate | The national regional publication date/number information |
matter.grant | HistoryDate | The grant date/number information |
matter.priority | HistoryDate | The priority date/number information |
matter.applicants | ApplicantInventor[] | An array of applicants attached to this matter |
matter.inventors | ApplicantInventor[] | An array of inventors attached to this matter |
matter.licensees | ApplicantInventor[] | An array of licensees attached to this matter | | MatterLocation WithContact Reference[] | An array of associates and the associated references attached to this matter |
matter.otherSideClients | MatterLocation WithContact Reference[] | An array of other side clients and the associated references attached to this matter |
matter.otherSideSolicitors | MatterLocation WithContact Reference[] | An array of other side solicitors and the associated references attached to this matter |
matter.clientKeyContactId | Int | The internal ID of the client key contact in Equinox |
matter.category | MatterCategory | A matter category object representing the category |
matter.subCategory | MatterSubcategory | A matter subcategory object representing the subcategory |
matter.imageId | Int | The internal ID of the main image associated with the matter in Equinox |
matter.typeOfMark | String | The type of mark selected for a matter |
matter.businessUnit | Int | The internal ID of the business unit |
matter.businessGroup | Int | The internal ID of the business group |
matter.expiryDate | String | A date string representing the expiry date of the matter |
matter.client | Organisation | An organisation object representing the client of the matter |
matter.clientId | Int | The internal ID of the matter |
matter.billingAddress | Location | A location object representing the billing address of the matter |
matter.billingAddressId | Int | The internal ID representing the billing address of the matter |
matter.user | User | A user object describing the primary matter user |
matter.user2 | User | A user object describing the secondary matter user |
matter.user3 | User | A user object describing the tertiary matter user |
matter.user4 | User | A user object describing the quaternary matter user | | Family | A family object describing the family associated with the matter |
matter.familyId | Int | The internal ID representing the family associated with the matter | | Int | An internal ID in Equinox representing the the associated office with the matter |
matter.notes | String | Notes field |
matter.internationalRegistrationId | Int | The internal ID representing international registrations associated with the matter |
matter.classes | String | Classes field |
matter.goods | String | Goods field |
matter.openDate | String | Open date string |
matter.designatedStates | String | The designated countries field value (comma separated country codes) |
matter.parentMatterId | Int | The internal ID of the parent this matter (when the matter is in a family) |
matter.typeId | Int | The internal ID of the category group that the matter is in |
matter.correspondenceNotes | String | Correspondence notes set on the matter |
matter.renewalClient | RenewalClient | A renewal client object describing the renewal client of the matter |
matter.renewalClientId | Int | The internal ID of the renewal client for the matter |
matter.renewalBillingAddress | RenewalBillingAddress | A renewal billing address object describing the billing address for the matter’s renewals |
matter.renewalBillingAddressId | Int | The internal ID of the renewal billing address for the matter |
matter.legalEntity | Int | The internal ID of the legal entity this matter is assigned to |
matter.allHistoryDates | HistoryDate | Array of all history dates |
matter.getCustomFieldById(FIELD_ID) | Custom Field | Object of the various custom filed properties |
matter.Budgets | Budget | Array of all budgets for the matter |
matter.EditURL | String | A url to the matter edit page |
matter.CountryDetails | Country | Object of all the details on the matter country |
matter.Image | Document | The document which is set as the matter image |
matter.GoodsAndClasses | Goods and classes | An array of the goods and classes objects associated with the matter |
matter.GoodsAndClassesCount | Int | Number of goods and classes on a matter |
matter.OtherAssociates | MatterLocation WithContact Reference[] | An array of the Other Associates Location and references |
matter.ForeignAssociates | MatterLocation WithContact Reference[] | An array of the Foreign Associates Location and references |
matter.AllPeopleAsADropDown | Array | Array with all the contacts associated to the client and who pays the bill |
matter.Tasks | Tasks[] | Array of tasks associated to a matter |
matter.Charges | Charges[] | Array of charges on a matter |
matter.ChildrenMatters | Matters[] | Array of matters that are children of the current case |
matter.ParentMatter | Matter | A matter object which is the parent of the current case |
matter.OldId | Int | Old ID column from the database |
matter.ExtendedFamilyMembers | Matters[] | Array of extended family members |
matter.Team | Int | Team ID |
matter.RenewalResponsibility | Int | ID of renewal responsible |
matter.AdditionalPriorities | Historydate[] | Array of additional priority history dates |
matter.LegacyCustomTextFields | TextField[] | Array of custom fields with value and title |
matter.LegacyCustomHistoryDateFields | Historydate[] | Array of legacy history date fields |
matter.LegacyCustomDropDownFields | DropDownField[] | Array of custom fields with value and title |
matter.LegacyCustomCheckboxFields | Checkbox[] | Array of custom fields with value and title |
MatterStatus Object
Variable Name | Data Type | Description | | Int | ID of status | | String | Status name |
HistoryDate Object
Variable Name | Data Type | Description |
historydate.hId | Int | The internal ID of the history date | | String | The date of a specific history date | | String | Country code relevant to the history date |
historydate.code | String | The code corresponding to the history date |
ApplicantInventor Object
Variable Name | Data Type | Description | | Int | The ID of the contact internally in Equinox |
applicantinventor.oldId | Int | The previous ID of the contact internally in Equinox |
applicantinventor.type | String | Type of contact i.e. Applicant | | String | Name of contact |
applicantinventor.formalName | String | Formal name of contact |
applicantinventor.formalNameTitle | String | Formal title of contact |
applicantinventor.formalNameFirst | String | Formal first name of contact |
applicantinventor.formalNameMiddle | String | Formal middle name of contact |
applicantinventor.formalNameLast | String | Formal last name of contact |
applicantinventor.addressName | String | Address name of contact |
applicantinventor.salutation | String | Name used on letters addressed to that contact |
applicantinventor.nationality | String | Nationality of contact |
applicantinventor.secondaryNationality | String | Secondary nationality of contact |
applicantinventor.domicile | String | Contact’s country of residence |
applicantinventor.address | String | Contact’s full address |
applicantinventor.street1 | String | Line 1 of address |
applicantinventor.street2 | String | Line 2 of address |
applicantinventor.street3 | String | Line 3 of address | | String | City of address | | String | Country of address |
applicantinventor.postcode | String | Address postcode | | String | Contact’s telephone number | | String | Contact’s email address | | String | Email address commonly cc’d when emailing contact |
applicantinventor.dateOfBirth | Date | Contact’s date of birth |
applicantinventor.notes | String | Notes listed for the contact |
applicantinventor.entity | String | Size of contact (micro, small, large) | | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the contact is active | | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the contact is active |
applicantInventor.CustomFieldById(Id) | CustomField | Custom field from the field ID |
applicantInventor.County | String | County/state for contact |
applicantInventor.SetupBy | Int | ID of user who set up applicant |
applicantInventor.SetupDate | Date | Date the contact was created |
applicantInventor.SetupByUser | User | User who set up contact |
applicantInventor.CountryDetails | Country | Country of applicant address |
applicantInventor.CheckedByUserId | Int | ID of checked by user |
MatterLocationWithContactReference Object
Variable Name | Data Type | Description | | Int | The internal ID of the contact in Equinox |
matterlocationcontactwithreference.location | String | Location associated with contact |
matterlocationcontactwithreference.reference | String | Contact’s reference |
matterlocationcontactwithreference.sequence | Int | A numeric score for ordering the contacts by preference |
Organisation Object
Variable Name | Data Type | Description | | Int | ID of organisation internally in Equinox | | String | Name of organisation |
organisation.orgCode | String | Code associated with organisation |
organisation.categories | Categories[] | An array of this organisation's categories |
organisation.type | OrganisationType | An object detailing the organisation's type |
organisation.secondaryType | OrganisationType | An object detailing the organisation's (secondary) type |
organisation.exportNumber | String | Organisation reference used when exporting to external accounts package |
organisation.tags | String | Tags related to the organisation, separated by commas |
organisation.extraCareNotes | String | Extra Care Notes field |
organisation.setupDateTime | String | Date the organisation was added to Equinox |
organisation.setupByUser | String | User that added the organisation to Equinox |
organisation.nominator | Int | The Equinox internal ID for the nominator associated with the organisation |
organisation.modifiedDateTime | String | Date the organisation’s details were last modified |
organisation.modifiedByUser | String | User that last modified the organisation |
organisation.hasGeneralPowerAttorney | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the attorney has general power over the organisation |
organisation.generalPowerAttorneyStartDate | String | Date general power began |
organisation.generalPowerAttorneyEndDate | String | Date general power will end |
organisation.contactChecked | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the contact has been checked |
organisation.contactCheckedBy | Int | The internal ID in Equinox of the user that set the case to checked |
organisation.contactCheckedDate | String | The date that the contact was set to checked |
organisation.linkedMatterId | Int | ID of matter linked to organisation |
organisation.notes | String | Notes set on the organisation |
organisation.correspondenceNotes | String | Correspondence notes set on the organisation |
organisation.organisationGroupId | Int | ID of the group the organisation belongs to |
Locations | Location[] | Array of locations at organisation |
LocationsOfCategory | Location[] | Array of locations of a certain category |
ActiveLocations | Location[] | Array of active locations |
People | Person[] | Array of people at organisation |
OldId | Int | Db field oldid |
RenewalsCustomFields | CustomFields[] | OrganisationRenewalsCustomFields has custom field by ID function |
MarketSource | String | Market source |
MarketNotes | String | Market note |
AssociatedApplicantsAndInventorsAndLicensees | AppInv[] | Array of Applicant Inventors |
LinkedMatter | Matter | Linked Matter |
organisation.getCustomFieldById(FIELD_ID) | Custom field | Object of the various custom field properties |
Address Object
Variable Name | Data Type | Description | | Int | ID of the location internally in Equinox |
location.organisationId | Int | ID of the organisation associated with the location |
location.categories | LocationCategory | An object of the location’s categories |
location.type | String | Type of location | | String | Name of location |
location.address | String | Full address |
location.street1 | String | Line 1 of address |
location.street2 | String | Line 2 of address |
location.street3 | String | Line 3 of address | | String | City of location |
location.county | String | County of location |
location.postCode | String | Postcode of location | | String | Location’s country | | String | Website associated with location | | String | Location’s primary phone number |
location.phone2 | String | Location’s fax or secondary phone number |
location.phone3 | String | Location’s tertiary phone number | | String | Location’s email address |
location.email2 | String | Location’s secondary email address |
location.email3 | String | Location’s tertiary email address |
location.notes | String | Notes listed for the location |
location.extraCareNotes | String | Extra care notes for the location |
location.extraCareNotesColor | String | Colour categorisation for the location’s extra care notes |
location.setupDateTime | String | Date location was added to Equinox |
location.setupByUser | String | User that added location |
location.modifiedDateTime | String | Date location details were last modified |
location.modifiedByUser | String | User that last modified the location details | | Boolean | 0 for inactive locations, 1 for active |
location.VATNumber | String | Location’s VAT number |
location.badPayer | Boolean | 1 if location is marked as a bad payer, 0 is not |
location.taxCode | String | The regional tax code this location is situated within |
location.exportCode | String | A code representing the organisation for exporting to external accounts packages |
location.oldId | String | The internal ID of the location in the previous system used |
location.companyNumber | String | The official registered company number |
location.bankAccount | String | The bank account number of the organisation at the location |
location.matterToSaveInvoicesOn | Int | The internal ID in Equinox of a matter, to which all invoices should be assigned, for this location |
location.accountsContactId | Int | The internal ID in Equinox of a contact that has been specified as the point of contact for accounts |
location.invoiceSettings | LocationInvoiceSettings | An object detailing the invoice settings |
Location.People | Person[] | Array of people at an organisation |
Location.CountryName | String | Country name |
Location.UnPaidInvoiceTotal | Int | Total |
Location.Organisation | Organisation | Organisation associated with the location |
Location.AddressString | String | Whole address as string |
Location.DefaultCurrency | String | Currency |
Location.LegalName | String | Address legal name |
Contact (Person) Object
Variable Name | Data Type | Description | | Int | The ID of the contact internally in Equinox |
person.organisationId | Int | ID of the organisation associated with the person |
person.locationId | Int | ID of the location associated with the person |
person.title | String | Person’s title |
person.firstName | String | Person’s first name |
person.middleName | String | Person’s middle name |
person.lastName | String | Person’s last name |
person.addressNameTitle | String | Person’s title used on correspondence |
person.addressNameFirst | String | Person’s first name used on correspondence |
person.addressNameMiddle | String | Person’s middle name used on correspondence |
person.addressNameLast | String | Person’s second name used on correspondence | | String | Person’s full name |
person.addressName | String | Person’s full name used on correspondence |
person.letterName | String | Person’s letter name |
person.CC | String | Email address to be CC’d when emailing this person |
person.suffix | String |
person.address | String | Primary full address linked to this person |
person.address2 | String | Secondary full address linked to this person |
person.postCode | String | Postcode of primary address | | String | Primary phone number for person |
person.phone2 | String | Person’s fax or secondary phone number |
person.phone3 | String | Person’s tertiary phone number |
person.phone4 | String | Person’s quaternary phone number |
person.phone5 | String | Person’s quinary phone number |
person.phone6 | String | Person’s senary phone number | | String | Person’s primary email address |
person.email2 | String | Person’s secondary email address |
person.jobTitle | String | Person’s job title |
person.salutation | String | Person’s salutation |
person.webPage | String | Web page associated with this person |
person.birthday | String | Person’s birthday |
person.setupDateTime | String | Date this person was added to Equinox |
person.setupByUser | String | User that added this person to Equinox |
person.modifiedDateTime | String | Date this person’s details were last updated |
person.modifiedByUser | String | User that last updated this person’s details |
person.groupId | String | ID of the group this person is associated with |
person.location | Location | An object detailing the location this person is attached to |
person.oldId | Int | The internal ID of the person in the previous system used |
person.language | String | The preferred language for correspondence with this person |
person.gender | String | Person’s gender |
person.xMasLetter | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the person is set to receive a Christmas letter |
person.newsletter | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the person is set to receive a newsletter |
person.mailingList | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the person is included in the mailing list |
person.notes | String | Notes added the this person’s record | | Int | 0 or 1 depending on whether the person is active or not |
Person.DateOfBirth | Date | Date of birth for the person |
User Object
Variable Name | Data Type | Description | | Int | ID of the Equinox user |
user.oldId | Int | The internal ID of the user in the previous system used |
user.subscriberId | Int | The internal ID of the organisation the user is a part of in Equinox |
user.username | String | User’s username | | String | Primary email address for this user |
user.secondaryEmail | String | Secondary email address for this user |
user.firstName | String | User’s first name |
user.secondName | String | User’s second name |
user.subscriberRef | String | The text-based reference of the organisation that the user is a part of |
user.loginCount | Int | The total amount of times the user has logged in |
user.lastLogin | Int | A timestamp of the last time that the user logged in |
user.notes | String | Notes added to this user’s record |
user.gender | String | User’s gender |
user.initials | String | The initials of user’s name |
user.legalEntity | String | The legal entity within the organisation that the user is a part of |
user.legalEntityObject | LegalEntity | Object legal entity | | Int | ID of the office | | Int | ID of the user's team |
MatterCategory Object
Variable Name | Data Type | Description | | Int | ID of category |
mattercategory.definition | String | Definition of category | | String | Name of category |
MatterStatus Object
Variable Name | Data Type | Description | | Int | ID of status | | String | Name of status |
MatterSubCategory Object
Variable Name | Data Type | Description | | Int | ID of subcategory | | String | Name of subcategory |
mattersubcategory.categoryType | String | Type of category the subcategory is associated with |
PresetTaskItem Object
Variable Name | Data Type | Description | | Int | ID of preset task item |
presettaskitem.presetGroupId | Int | ID of this task item’s preset group |
presettaskitem.baseDate | Sting | Base date of task item |
presettaskitem.description | String | Description of task item |
presettaskitem.offsetOperator | String | Operator of the offset of this task item |
presettaskitem.offsetUnit | String | Units of the offset |
presettaskitem.offsetAmount | String | Amount the task item is offset by |
presettaskitem.importance | Int | Number value of the task’s importance |
presettaskitem.user | String | Equinox user associated with the task item |
presettaskitem.emailReminder | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the email reminder is turned on |
presettaskitem.endOfMonth | Boolean | Does task get pushed to end of month automatically |
presettaskitem.taskType | Int | Number value of the type of task |
presettaskitem.documentId | Int | ID of the linked document template |
presettaskitem.parentId | Int | ID of the parent task |
presettaskitem.hasOverride | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on where the task item has an override |
presettaskitem.generateForClient | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the task item has been generated for the client |
presettaskitem.customisableByClient | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the client can modify the task |
presettaskitem.overrideForClient | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the client has an override |
presettaskitem.markAsDoneWithParent | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the task item should be marked as done when its parent is marked as done |
presettaskitem.moveTaskOnUntilParentDueDate | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the task item due date should be moved on to match the parent due date |
presettaskitem.expressionId | Int | ID of the expression |
presettaskitem.expressionAnswer | Boolean | Required value to generate the task |
presettaskitem.disableManualClose | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the task item should be allowed to be closed manually |
presettaskitem.components | ComponentInterface[] | Array of components associated with preset |
presettaskitem.workingInstructions | String | Instructions related to the task item |
presettaskitem.StepForPreset | WorkflowStep | Workflow step associated with preset |
presettaskitem.PresetGroup | PresetTaskGroup | Preset task group task is in |
presettaskitem.BaseDateName | Date | Name of task base date |
presettaskitem.Type | Int | Type |
presettaskitem.CheckListQuestionId | Int | Checklist question id |
presettaskitem.CheckListAnswer | String | Checklist question answer |
presettaskitem.TemplateCollectionId | Int | Template ID associated to the preset task |
presettaskitem.WorkingInstruction | string | Working instruction |
LocationInvoiceSettings Object
Variable Name | Data Type | Description |
locationinvoicesettings.locationId | Int | ID of the location |
locationinvoicesettings.repeatFrequency | Int | How frequently invoices are autogenerated |
locationinvoicesettings.repeatUnit | String | How regularly invoices are autogenerated |
locationinvoicesettings.startDate | String | Start date of invoice |
locationinvoicesettings.dayOfWeek | String | Which day of the week the invoice is generated on |
locationinvoicesettings.dayOfMonth | String | Which day of the month the invoice is generated on |
locationinvoicesettings.mode | Int | The type of invoice to be produced (combined or case-by-case) |
locationinvoicesettings.templateId | String | ID of the template used when generating invoice |
locationinvoicesettings.currency | String | Currency set for the invoice |
locationinvoicesettings.VATmode | String | VAT mode that is set |
locationinvoicesettings.deliveryMethod | String | Delivery method set for the invoice generation |
locationinvoicesettings.taskUser | String | User of tasks associated with invoices |
locationinvoicesettings.language | String | Language of invoice |
locationinvoicesettings.isUpFrontPayer | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the client will pay the invoice upfront, or may use specified payment terms |
locationinvoicesettings.billingContact | Int | The internal ID in Equinox of a contact that has been specified as the point of contact for billing |
locationinvoicesettings.renewalBillingContact | Int | The internal ID in Equinox of a contact that has been specified as the point of contact for renewals billing |
locationinvoicesettings.paymentTerm | String | Specific payment term details for the client on this invoice |
locationinvoicesettings.notesForFinanceWizard | String | Notes to appear when creating an invoice through the wizard |
locationinvoicesettings.badDebtor | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the client has been logged as a bad payer |
Custom Field Object
Variable Name | Data Type | Description | | Int | ID of the custom field | | String | Name of the custom field |
customField.type | String | Type of data the custom field stores |
customField.value | String | Value entered into this custom field |
customField.entityType | String | Area of the system the custom field applies to (e.g. documents, charges) |
customField.required | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the field is required |
customField.possibleValues | PossibleValues[] | An array of valid values that can be selected for this custom field |
Custom Fields Specifically for OC Matter: {{ matter.getCustomFieldById(1).value.format("Y-m-d") }}
Contact: {{ contact.getCustomFieldById(3).value }}
Location: {{ contact.location.getCustomFieldById(4).value }}
Organisation: {{ contact.location.organisation.getCustomFieldById(5).value }} |
Charge Object
Variable Name | Data Type | Description | | Int | ID of the custom field |
charge.orgId | Int | ID of the organisation |
charge.userId | Int | ID of the user |
charge.matterUserId | Int | ID of the user related to a charge on a matter |
charge.matterId | Int | ID of the matter the charge is related to |
charge.time | Int | The total time recorded by a user when inputting a charge |
charge.billDate | String | The date the invoice was billed if the charge was included on an invoice |
charge.description | String | A text-based description of what the charge is for |
charge.legalEntityId | Int | The ID of the legal entity the charge is associated with |
charge.category | String | The main type of the charge: either Time, Fixed or Cost |
charge.subCategory | Int | The ID of the subtype of the charge |
charge.paymentReference | String | A payment reference that has been applied to a charge |
charge.supportingDocId | Int | The ID of a document related to this charge |
charge.notes | String | Notes providing extra details about a charge |
charge.status | String | The current state of a charge in its lifecycle |
charge.amount | Int | The original charge amount before any adjustments have been made to it |
charge.adjustment | Int | A figure to adjust the amount of a charge by | | Int | The amount of a charge’s total that has been marked as a discount |
charge.discountPercentage | Int | Percentage discount, indicating the percentage of this charge that should be marked as a discount. Value should be between 0 and 100. |
charge.chargeRate | Int | The hourly rate that time charges are worked out against |
charge.currency | String | A text reference for the type of currency the charge has been created as |
charge.currencyAmount | Int | The charge amount converted into the selected currency |
charge.currencyRate | Int | The conversion rate used to convert the charge amount to the selected currency |
charge.currencyMarkup | Int | The amount of the markup that has been applied to a converted charge |
charge.currencyCharge | Int | The amount of the currency charge |
charge.billed | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the charge has been billed |
charge.potentialForVAT | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the charge |
charge.billGuideNumber | Int | The internal ID representing the invoice that a billed charge has been associated with |
charge.invoiceNumber | Int | The user-supplied invoice reference number associated with a billed charge |
charge.adjustmentReason | String | A text-based explanation for why an adjustment was applied to a charge |
charge.writeOffReason | String | A text-based explanation for why a charge was written off |
charge.discountReason | String | A text-based explanation for why a discount was applied to a charge |
charge.chargeSheetId | Int | The internal ID of the chargesheet item that this charge has been created from |
charge.setupBy | Int | The internal ID of the user that created the charge |
charge.setupDateTime | String | A timestamp of when the charge was initially created |
charge.chargeSheetEntry | ChargeSheetItem[] | An object representing the chargesheet item related to the charge |
charge.disableSaving | Boolean | True or False depending on whether saving has been disabled for the charge |
charge.multiplier | Int | A multiplier that can be used to increase the value of a charge |
charge.discountRuleAppliedId | Int | The internal ID of the discount rule applied to the charge |
charge.discountRuleObject | DiscountRule[] | An object representing the discount rule that has been applied |
charge.invoiceAmount | Int | The total amount of the invoice which the charge was included on when billed |
charge.vatAmount | Int | The amount of VAT that is applicable on the charge |
charge.vatCurrencyAmount | Int | The amount of VAT that is applicable on a charge converted to a different currency |
charge.nonChargeable | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the charge has been marked as non-chargeable or not |
charge.isRenewalCharge | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the charge is listed as a renewals charge |
charge.WorkingInCurrency | String | Working in currency for the charge |
charge.WorkingInAmount | Int | Amount of charge in working in currency |
charge.WorkingInAdjustment | Int | Adjustment in working in currency |
charge.WorkingInDiscount | Int | Discount in working in currency |
charge.WorkingInCurrencyRate | Int | Rate for working in currency for charge |
charge.Invoice | Invoice | Invoice for charge |
charge.VATAmountInMoneyFormat | String | Vat amount in HTML |
charge.ModifiedBy | Int | ID of user who modified the charge |
charge.ModifiedDateTime | Date | Datetime of modification |
charge.UserInitials | String | Initials of user whose charge it is |
charge.Date | date | Date of charge |
charge.SubCategoryText | String | Charge subcategory text |
charge.AmountInMoneyFormat | String | Charge amount in HTML format |
charge.AmountRaw | Int | Charge amount |
charge.DiscountInMoneyFormat | String | Discount amount in HTML format |
charge.AdjustmentInMoneyFormat | String | Adjustment amount in HTML format |
charge.ISOCurrency | String | ISO charge currency string e.g., EUR, GBP |
charge.PreviewId | Int | ID of invoice preview |
charge.Matter | Int | Matter ID |
charge.DiscountRuleApplied | Boolean | Whether the discount rule has been applied or not |
charge.InvoiceAmountToConvert | Int | Amount plus adjustment minus discount |
charge.AssociatedLocation | Location | Location associated to the charge |
charge.TeamId | Int | ID of charge team |
charge.ParentChargeId | Int | Parent charge ID |
charge.PaidDate | Date | Paid date of charge |
charge.PaidByUs | Boolean | Whether the charge is paid by us |
charge.MultiCurrencyProperties | MultiCurrencyProperties | An object which houses the multicurrency properties |
charge.InvoiceCurrencyProperties | ChargeInvoiceProperties | An object which houses the charge invoice properties |
charge.ChargeRateCurrency | String | Charge rate currency |
Variable Name | Data Type | Description | | Int | The internal ID of the chargesheet item |
chargeSheetItem.subscriberId | Int | The internal ID of the Equinox subscriber | | String | A group name applied to the chargesheet item |
chargeSheetItem.code | String | A reference number that applies to the chargesheet item |
chargeSheetItem.sequence | Int | A number that can be used to place the chargesheet item higher or lower in relation to other chargesheet items |
chargeSheetItem.description | String | A text-based description of the chargesheet item |
chargeSheetItem.descriptionDutch | String | A text-based description of the chargesheet item in Dutch |
chargeSheetItem.descriptionFrench | String | A text-based description of the chargesheet item in French |
chargeSheetItem.nominator | Int | The internal ID of the nominator associated with this chargesheet item | | String | A text-based ISO reference that allows chargesheet items to be filtered against countries |
chargeSheetItem.matterCategory | Int | The internal ID of a category in Equinox that this chargesheet item should relate to |
chargeSheetItem.matterSubCategory | Int | The internal ID of a category in Equinox that this chargesheet item should relate to |
chargeSheetItem.chargeCategory | String | The main type of the chargesheet item: either Time, Fixed or Cost |
chargeSheetItem.chargeSubCategory | Int | The ID of the subtype of the chargesheet item |
chargeSheetItem.currency | String | A text-based ISO reference for the currency |
chargeSheetItem.amount | Int | A default amount for the chargesheet item when it is added as a charge |
chargeSheetItem.includeMarkup | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the markup should be included on the chargesheet item when it is added as a charge |
chargeSheetItem.notes | String | A text-based note providing additional information about a chargesheet item |
chargeSheetItem.isRenewal | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the chargesheet item will be used for renewals |
chargeSheetItem.year | Int | A year reference for chargesheet items to determine which renewal period it is for |
chargeSheetItem.discountsDisabled | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending whether discounts should be disabled for the chargesheet item |
chargeSheetItem.autoWIPApproval | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending whether the charge should be automatically approved for WIP |
chargeSheetItem.fixedFeeChargeBehaviour | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending whether the charge should have fixed fee behaviour |
chargeSheetItem.incomingLedgerCode | Int | A reference representing the incoming ledger code |
chargeSheetItem.expression | String | An expression that has been set on the chargesheet item to enable custom functionality |
chargeSheetItem.expressionData1 | Int | Data required for the expression to work on the chargesheet item |
chargeSheetItem.expressionData2 | Int | Data required for the expression to work on the chargesheet item |
chargeSheetItem.special | Int | The internal ID of the type of special functionality that has been enabled on a charge. 0 is off, 1 is multiplier, 2 is expression |
chargeSheetItem.collection | Int | The internal ID of the workflow group (or collection) that the chargesheet item belongs to |
chargeSheetItem.user | String | Either the internal ID of the user assigned to the charge or a reference to which key user on any case should be responsible for a charge |
chargeSheetItem.extraCharge | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether there is a renewal extra charge associated with the chargesheet item |
chargeSheetItem.nonChargeable | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the chargesheet item has been marked as chargeable or nonchargeable |
Variable Name | Data Type | Description |
task.parentTask | Int | The internal ID of the parent task of the current task | | Int | The internal ID of the task |
task.description | String | A textual description of the task |
task.matter | Matter | The matter object which the task is in |
task.doneDate | String | The date at which the task was set to 'Completed' by the user |
task.matterId | Int | The internal ID of the matter within Equinox which the task is assigned to |
task.matterCode | String | The reference number of the matter within Equinox which the task is assigned to |
task.clientId | Int | The internal ID of the client the task has been associated with |
task.client | String | The name of the client the task is associated with |
task.presetItemId | Int | The internal ID of the preset item that the task has been created from |
task.dueDate | String | The current date that the task is due to be completed by |
task.status | Int | The status code for the task |
task.statusName | String | A text-based reference for the status code of the task |
task.importance | Int | The importance code for the task |
task.importanceName | String | A text-based reference for the importance code of the task |
task.formallyExtended | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the task’s due date has had a formal extension |
task.user | Int | The internal ID of the user that has been set as responsible for the task |
task.type | Int | The int ID of the type of the task |
task.notes | String | Notes on the task |
task.parentTaskId | Int | ID of parent task (if one exists) |
task.attachedTemplate | Int | ID of attached template |
task.setupDate | Date | Setup date of task |
task.linkedDocuments | Documents[] | Array of document objects that are linked to the task |
task.outgoingDiscarded | Bool | Whether the outgoing correspondence (OC) has been discarded |
task.recipientId | Int | ID of the contact who the OC is for |
task.workflowPromptId | Int | Internal ID of workflow prompt |
task.workflowInstanceId | Int | Workflow instance task is a part of |
task.originalDueDate | String | The date that the task was due to be completed by when the task was created |
Variable Name | Data Type | Description |
Country.code | String | 2-letter country code | | String | Name in English of country, e.g., Iran |
Country.countryAdjective | String | Adjective for country, e.g., Iranian |
Country.countryDutch | String | Name of country in Dutch, e.g., Iran |
Country.countryAdjectiveDutch | String | Name of country adjective in Dutch, e.g., Iraniër |
Country.continent | String | Continent of country |
Country.inEU | Bool | 1 or 0 if in the EU |
Country.inCTM | Bool | 1 or 0 if in the CTM |
Country.inRCD | Bool | 1 or 0 if in the RCD |
Country.inPCT | Bool | 1 or 0 if a PCT country |
Country.PCTDeadline | Int | The number of months to PCT deadline |
Country.PCTDirect | Int | 1 or 2 depending on if you can PCT directly or not |
Country.inMadridAgreement | Bool | 1 or 0 if in the Madrid Agreement or not |
Country.inMadridProtocol | Bool | 1 or 0 if in the Madrid protocol or not |
Country.inParis | Bool | 1 or 0 if in Paris |
Country.inLondon | Bool | 1 or 0 if in London |
Country.inHague | Bool | 1 or 0 if in Hague |
Country.inEAPO | Bool | 1 or 0 if in EAPO |
Country.eligibleEU | Bool | 1 or 0 if eligible in EU |
Country.inIntDesign | Bool | 1 or 0 if international design |
Country.isSingleTMClassCountry | Bool | 1 or 0 if single class country |
Container instance data:
Issuance date: {{ activeInstance.dataAsArray['custom-date'][13]|date }} {# use ID of custom date. Inspect element on config screen #}
Blind report: {{ activeInstance.dataAsArray['data-capture']['questions'][66] }} {# use ID of action update/number. Inspect element on config date #}
{{ activeInstance.dataAsArray|json_encode }} {# to test the JSON output of container data #}
Active user data:
Language aware date format:
{{ dateLanguage(xxxx|date("d F Y")) }}
Langue aware country format:
#COUNTRY# eg. Netherlands - Nederland
#COUNTRYADJ# eg. Dutch – Nederlands