v9.2.2 was made available for release from 09/09/2021. This version also includes the changes from v9.2.1 - this version was not made available for general release.

New Features

System AreaNew FeatureDescriptionContact Support to Use
Incoming CorrespondenceDelete permanently Added a permanent delete button for discarded incoming correspondence
Incoming CorrespondencePrevent Auto-classify of documents
Added new preference to prevent incoming correspondence documents added via the API from inheriting the classification of the IC


Permissions Updates

System Area
Permissions Update
WorkflowsAdjusted matter workflow permissions to prevent readonly users accessing the New Workflow button
WorkflowsAdjusted matter workflow permissions to allow workflow migration users access to the Migrate Workflow button
Document Classifications
Added permissions check for delete button when editing secondary classifications


System AreaImprovementContact Support to Use
Outgoing CorrespondenceSmart letter modal window now scales to fill 90% of the screen space available

Outgoing Correspondence
Added delivery method to smart letter modal window

Address BookModified date now recorded for contact organisations and sites

TasksUpdated the ordering of linked documents on a task to by the document date descending and the document id descending

Incoming CorrespondenceAdded success message for splitting incoming correspondence correspondence

Incoming CorrespondenceDocument filename is shown if no name is available when splitting incoming correspondence

Document Classifications"[Empty]" now displays if no name available for secondary classifications in classifications table

TasksAdded preference to hide linked tasks on the documents list to improve loading
DocumentsImproved character encoding handling of filenames

Goods & ClassesAdded functionality to prevent creation of duplicate class entries for Goods and Classes

Incoming Correspondence
Improved error message for when classifications are not added to an instance of incoming correspondence

GeneralUpdated the mattercode finder to only find each mattercode once

RecordalsGeneral improvements to Recordals user-interface and functionality
PTO IntegrationImprovements to create case from PTO functionality
Matter ContactsAuthorities now display in the contacts sidebar on the matter details page

Preference to change ordering of user-dropdowns now applies to adding & editing tasks

Document ClassificationsAdded ordering by name to primary classification dropdown

DocumentsAdded improved availability pdf converter

Document Searching
Improved performance of full-text search document indexing



System AreaFix
InvoicesFixed issue with reprinting working in currency invoices
Matter ContactsAdded warning for trying to add an associate/authority to a case without selecting one first
DocumentsCorrected typo "CheckedOut" to "Checked Out" for the documents tab of a matter
Address BookCorrected typo when deleting preferred associate rules
WorkflowsCorrected typo on the workflow undo screen when closing a preset task component
WorkflowsResolved issue when closing a workflow prompt multiple times
Matter ContactsLicensee reference now displays on matter contacts tab and can be updated
Fixed an issue with exporting reports while using chrome
RenewalsFixed filtering on subcategory in renewals confirmation step
RenewalsFixed display of custom field filters in renewals notice step
RenewalsFixed behaviour of multi-select filter during renewals notice step
InvoicesFixed some issues with credit note calculation