Equinox Version 8.4.4 was made available for release from 23 December 2020.


System AreaImprovementContact Support to Use
Address BookWhen adding correspondence country (the two letter code) when creating applicant the field domicile is filled
DocumentsReverting a PDF to draft (when originally finalised from word document) now converts it back to a Word document, and correctly updates the version history
WorkflowsWorkflow preset now correctly assign tasks to the active user when no user is present on the caseYes
Address BookCorrespondence entries also move when a location is moved from one organisation to another Yes
Name code added to applicant/inventor reportsYes
ExpressionsAdded additional priorities to expressions
Outgoing CorrespondenceAdded Associate mergecodes to email subject lines
Matter DetailsExtended character limit on client ref to 100 characters



System AreaFix
Address BookFixed issue with location custom fields not saving data on creation
DocumentsPDFs in the history (from reverting to draft) can be downloaded 
Incoming CorrespondenceDocuments processed through IC now use the document string for title
PermissionsPermissions for copying documents
Address BookFix issue with organisation custom fields not saving on creation
Client AccessRemoved link to client in Client Access
Address BookFixed issue with custom fields saving when creating an organisation and location at the same time