Equinox Version 8.4.0 was made available for release on the 3rd June 2020.

New Features

System AreaNew FeatureDescriptionContact Support to Use
WorkflowsQuick Preset Edit
New functionality allowing more streamlined editing of presets
WorkflowsQuick Working Instruction EditNew quick edit page for working instructions on workflows Yes
ExpressionsRound To NearestRounding to nearest specified number now possible in expressions & mergecodes



System AreaImprovementContact Support to Use
WorkflowsNavigation improvements in the left menu
Secondary classification page displays information about it's usage throughout the system
Smart TemplatesLetter Templates page now displays primary & secondary classification of smart templates

WorkflowsAdded create another option to creating a single task closing component on workflows
ExpressionsAdded option on mergecode expressions to specify container (for reference only)

WorkflowsOn workflow master list created additional checkbox for searching by workflow task

WorkflowsPreset quick edit now allows the other custom dates in the step to be used as base date

Improved navigation when deleting a checklist to take you back to the referrer and not always the checklist list

WorkflowsWhen editing a preset task in workflows, there is now a quick create template button to quickly generate a letter template and attach it to the current preset task item

WorkflowsTweaked wording on preset edit screen for associated letter template to associated template

ReportsCharge reports can show the case billing contact for unbilled charges

RenewalsAdded in new possibilities of date/year based grace periods into renewals date engine
RenewalsAdded in new days offset parameter into renewals date engine to allow for more flexible date calculations
RenewalsNew advanced renewals notices functionality
Incoming CorrespondenceEmail to Incoming Correspondence now supports using the BCC and CC fields on forwarded emails

Global SearchAdded pagination and adjusted search tables so that page can load faster

Address BookStatutory contact set-up now recorded in history

Global SearchNow able change type of contact search when searching for contact

Address Book
Correspondence Country field now available for statuatory contacts



System AreaFix
WorkflowsFixed editing of close single task components
ExpressionsWhen adding an expression to a preset that is newly created the expression and answer will be correctly saved
ChargesUpdating charge info preserves inactive users set in user field (previously changed to first active user on any update)
Incoming CorrespondenceRead-Only users prevented performing certain actions on IC
ChargesPrevent charge button disappearing after clicking when required field isn't filled out
MergecodesEnsured all applicant/inventor details were available in custom merge codes, some where previously not
Correspondence ManagementWhen using correspondence management, billing contacts could show up when they were not actually at the billing location specified on the case. This has been resolved and now billing contacts only show up for the chosen billing location.