This article provides information about custom merge codes. It is possible to create your own custom merge codes, however our Support team are happy to assist with this as it is quite technical.
Expressions are configured on the System Tab > Expressions.
Note: Users require certain permissions to create new custom merge codes.
Custom Merge Code Expressions are written in a third-party language (designed for templating and friendly writing of simple logic) called Twig. You can find full online syntax information for twig as a language at - The version currently installed is 1.5.x.
Twig utilises common objects, variables and components, but depending on the situation different objects will be available.
This article provides an introduction to Twig syntax and how you can perform basic operations, provides information on which objects are available for the different expression types and gives a full definition list of the properties of all those objects as a glossary should you ever need to know how to access certain properties and use them. This list (which will be at the end of this article) is quite extensive and should be used to locate any information that you need in expressions.
Expression Syntax Examples
The text below gives some examples of syntax and how to perform basic operations inside of expressions. These pieces of syntax are common to any expression section of Equinox that utilises Twig expressions.
Twig Statement
A twig statement is held between these characters:
Twig Echoing of Text
Text can be output from variables e.g. the example below outputs the name John
{% set name = “John” %}
{{ name }}
IF Statement
This is the general structure for “if”, “elseif” and “else” statements. Any text enclosed in {# #} tags are comments and will be ignored by the programme.
{% if 1 == 1 %}
{# Do something #}
{% elseif 1 == 2 %}
{# Do something else #}
{% else%}
{# Do a different thing #}
{% endif %}
Empty Example
The code below will tell you whether a particular property is empty, in the same below if a matters priority date has a value or not.
{% if is empty %}
{# Do something #}
{% endif %}
Merge Code Expressions
Merge Code expressions allow the user to declare custom Merge Codes in a template-like fashion. The output a Merge Code expression should be in Text or HTML, which will then be converted into the appropriate format for use in the correspondence it will be placed into. Anything that is returned “outside” of the twig tags ({{ }}) will be included in the content of the Merge Code.
Below is an example of a Merge Code that will display: Hello world!
This HTML can be pulled into the template using the merge code #CUSTOM_MERGE CODE#
The merge code expressions have access to the following properties when they are run (see property definitions at the end of the document for more information on how to use the properties).
Variable Name | Object Type (for looking up in defs) | Description |
matter | Matter | The matter the correspondence is being generated from |
contact | Person | The recipient of the letter |
Merge Code Expression Examples
Contact fields from the address book
The contact (who a letter is written to or the recipient on a task) can be accessed via the “contact” variable which maps to the person object: {{ contact.lastName }}
Relational Case Contacts
It is possible to pull through the contact details for the parent or child matter using:
Accessing a parent matter gives you access to the matter model, so you can access all matter properties that way.
{{ }}
Child Matters
These contacts can be accessed by looking through the array
{% for childMatter in matter.childrenMatters %}
{% if ( == "US") %}
{{ }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Case History Dates
Case history dates can be accessed through set variable:
{{ }}
{{ }}
{{ matter.publication.code }}
{{ }}
{{ }}
{{ matter.grant.code }}
Dates Manipulation
Date functions can manipulate the date. The dateAdd function allow manipulation for addition and subtraction to dates:
{% if dateAdd(, '+', '6', 'WEEKS')|date(‘Y-m-d’) >|date(‘Y-m-d’) %}
{# Do something #}
{% endif %}
{# 5 years after application date #}
{{ dateAdd(, '+', '60', 'MONTHS') }}
All History Dates
For further history dates and array of all history dates that can be cycled through:
{% for historyDate in matter.allHistoryDates %}
{% if (historyDate.hId == 11) %}
{{ }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Custom fields
Custom fields can be accessed via their unique ID:
Matter custom date: {{ matter.getCustomFieldById(1).value.format("Y-m-d") }}
Contact: {{ contact.getCustomFieldById(3).value }}
Location: {{ contact.location.getCustomFieldById(4).value }}
Organisation: {{ contact.location.organisation.getCustomFieldById(5).value }}
Task Due Dates
The dates of a task can be accessed through their respective variables:
{{ task.dueDate }}
{{ task.originalDueDate }}
{{ task.doneDate }}
{{ task.setupDate }}
Object Definitions
The glossary below gives definitions of objects available. Please bear in mind that multiple objects can be used in one expression i.e. matter.client.orgCode.
Variable Name | Data Type | Description | | Int | The ID of the matter internally in Equinox |
matter.oldCode | String | The oldcode field | | String | The country code |
matter.countryName | String | The full country name |
matter.status | MatterStatus | Object detailing the status of this matter |
matter.matterCode | String | The matter code |
matter.shortTitle | String | The short title |
matter.longTitle | String | The long title |
matter.formalTitle | String | The formal title |
matter.clientRef | String | The client reference |
matter.parentage | String | The parent field value |
matter.designatedCountries | String | The designated countries field value (comma separated country codes) |
matter.application | HistoryDate | The application date/number information |
matter.publication | HistoryDate | The publication date/number information |
matter.natRegEntry | HistoryDate | The national regional entry date/number information |
matter.natRegPublication | HistoryDate | The national regional publication date/number information |
matter.grant | HistoryDate | The grant date/number information |
matter.priority | HistoryDate | The priority date/number information |
matter.applicants | ApplicantInventor[] | An array of applicants attached to this matter |
matter.inventors | ApplicantInventor[] | An array of inventors attached to this matter |
matter.licensees | ApplicantInventor[] | An array of licensees attached to this matter | | MatterLocation WithContact Reference[] | An array of associates and the associated references attached to this matter |
matter.otherSideClients | MatterLocation WithContact Reference[] | An array of other side clients and the associated references attached to this matter |
matter.otherSideSolicitors | MatterLocation WithContact Reference[] | An array of other side solicitors and the associated references attached to this matter |
matter.clientKeyContactId | Int | The internal ID of the client key contact in Equinox |
matter.category | MatterCategory | A matter category object representing the category |
matter.subCategory | MatterSubcategory | A matter subcategory object representing the subcategory |
matter.imageId | Int | The internal ID of the main image associated with the matter in Equinox |
matter.typeOfMark | String | The type of mark selected for a matter |
matter.businessUnit | Int | The internal ID of the business unit |
matter.businessGroup | Int | The internal ID of the business group |
matter.expiryDate | String | A date string representing the expiry date of the matter |
matter.client | Organisation | An organisation object representing the client of the matter |
matter.clientId | Int | The internal ID of the matter |
matter.billingAddress | Location | A location object representing the billing address of the matter |
matter.billingAddressId | Int | The internal ID representing the billing address of the matter |
matter.user | User | A user object describing the primary matter user |
matter.user2 | User | A user object describing the secondary matter user |
matter.user3 | User | A user object describing the tertiary matter user |
matter.user4 | User | A user object describing the quaternary matter user | | Family | A family object describing the family associated with the matter |
matter.familyId | Int | The internal ID representing the family associated with the matter | | Int | An internal ID in Equinox representing the associated office with the matter |
matter.notes | String | Notes field |
matter.internationalRegistrationId | Int | The internal ID representing international registrations associated with the matter |
matter.classes | String | Classes field |
matter.goods | String | Goods field |
matter.openDate | String | Open date string |
matter.designatedStates | String | The designated countries field value (comma separated country codes) |
matter.parentMatterId | Int | The internal ID of the parent this matter (when the matter is in a family) |
matter.typeId | Int | The internal ID of the category group that the matter is in |
matter.correspondenceNotes | String | Correspondence notes set on the matter |
matter.renewalClient | RenewalClient | A renewal client object describing the renewal client of the matter |
matter.renewalClientId | Int | The internal ID of the renewal client for the matter |
matter.renewalBillingAddress | RenewalBillingAddress | A renewal billing address object describing the billing address for the matter’s renewals |
matter.renewalBillingAddressId | Int | The internal ID of the renewal billing address for the matter |
matter.legalEntity | Int | The internal ID of the legal entity this matter is assigned to |
matter.allHistoryDates | HistoryDate | Array of all history dates |
matter.getCustomFieldById(FIELD_ID) | Custom Field | Object of the various custom filed properties |
MatterStatus Object
Variable Name | Data Type | Description | | Int | ID of status | | String | Status name |
HistoryDate Object
Variable Name | Data Type | Description |
historydate.hId | Int | The internal ID of the history date | | String | The date of a specific history date | | String | Country code relevant to the history date |
historydate.code | String | The code corresponding to the history date |
ApplicantInventor Object
Variable Name | Data Type | Description | | Int | The ID of the contact internally in Equinox |
applicantinventor.oldId | Int | The previous ID of the contact internally in Equinox |
applicantinventor.type | String | Type of contact i.e. Applicant | | String | Name of contact |
applicantinventor.formalName | String | Formal name of contact |
applicantinventor.formalNameTitle | String | Formal title of contact |
applicantinventor.formalNameFirst | String | Formal first name of contact |
applicantinventor.formalNameMiddle | String | Formal middle name of contact |
applicantinventor.formalNameLast | String | Formal last name of contact |
applicantinventor.addressName | String | Address name of contact |
applicantinventor.salutation | String | Name used on letters addressed to that contact |
applicantinventor.nationality | String | Nationality of contact |
applicantinventor.secondaryNationality | String | Secondary nationality of contact |
applicantinventor.domicile | String | Contact’s country of residence |
applicantinventor.address | String | Contact’s full address |
applicantinventor.street1 | String | Line 1 of address |
applicantinventor.street2 | String | Line 2 of address |
applicantinventor.street3 | String | Line 3 of address | | String | City of address | | String | Country of address |
applicantinventor.postcode | String | Address postcode | | String | Contact’s telephone number | | String | Contact’s email address | | String | Email address commonly cc’d when emailing contact |
applicantinventor.dateOfBirth | Date | Contact’s date of birth |
applicantinventor.notes | String | Notes listed for the contact |
applicantinventor.entity | String | Size of contact (micro, small, large) | | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the contact is active |
applicantinventor.licensee | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the contact is active | |
MatterLocationWithContactReference Object
Variable Name | Data Type | Description | | Int | The internal ID of the contact in Equinox |
matterlocationcontactwithreference.location | String | Location associated with Contact |
matterlocationcontactwithreference.reference | String | Contact’s reference |
matterlocationcontactwithreference.sequence | Int | A numeric score for ordering the contacts by preference |
Organisation Object
Variable Name | Data Type | Description | | Int | ID of organisation internally in Equinox | | String | Name of organisation |
organisation.orgCode | String | Code associated with organisation |
organisation.categories | Categories[] | An array of this organisations categories |
organisation.type | OrganisationType | An object detailing the organisations type |
organisation.secondaryType | OrganisationType | An object detailing the organisations (secondary) type |
organisation.exportNumber | String | Organisation reference used when exporting to external accounts package |
organisation.tags | String | Tags related to the organisation separated by comas |
organisation.extraCareNotes | String | Extra Care Notes field |
organisation.setupDateTime | String | Date the organisation was added to Equinox |
organisation.setupByUser | String | User that added the organisation to Equinox |
organisation.nominator | Int | The Equinox internal ID for the nominator associated with the organisation |
organisation.modifiedDateTime | String | Date the organisation’s details were last modified |
organisation.modifiedByUser | String | User that last modified the organisation |
organisation.hasGeneralPowerAttorney | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the attorney has general power over the organisation |
organisation.generalPowerAttorneyStartDate | String | Date general power of began |
organisation.generalPowerAttorneyEndDate | String | Date general power will end |
organisation.contactChecked | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the contact has been checked |
organisation.contactCheckedBy | Int | The internal ID in Equinox of the user that set the case to checked |
organisation.contactCheckedDate | String | The date that the contact was set to checked |
organisation.linkedMatterId | Int | ID of matter linked to organisation |
organisation.notes | String | Notes set on the organisation |
organisation.correspondenceNotes | String | Correspondence notes set on the organisation |
organisation.organisationGroupId | Int | ID of the group the organisation belongs to |
organisation.getCustomFieldById(FIELD_ID) | Custom field | Object of the various custom filed properties |
Address Object
Variable Name | Data Type | Description | | Int | ID of the location internally in Equinox |
location.organisationId | Int | ID of the organisation associated with the location |
location.categories | LocationCategory | An object of the location’s categories |
location.type | String | Type of the location | | String | Name of location |
location.address | String | Full address |
location.street1 | String | Line one of address |
location.street2 | String | Line two of address |
location.street3 | String | Line three of address | | String | City of location |
location.county | String | County of location |
location.postCode | String | Post code of location | | String | Location’s country | | String | Website associated with location | | String | Location’s primary phone number |
location.phone2 | String | Location’s fax or secondary phone number |
location.phone3 | String | Location’s tertiary phone number | | String | Location’s email address |
location.email2 | String | Location’s secondary email address |
location.email3 | String | Location’s tertiary email address |
location.notes | String | Notes listed for the location |
location.extraCareNotes | String | Extra care notes for the location |
location.extraCareNotesColor | String | Colour categorisation for the location’s extra care notes |
location.setupDateTime | String | Date location was added to Equinox |
location.setupByUser | String | User that added location |
location.modifiedDateTime | String | Date location details were last modified |
location.modifiedByUser | String | User that last modified the location details | | Boolean | 0 for inactive locations, 1 for active |
location.VATNumber | String | Location’s VAT number |
location.badPayer | Boolean | 1 if location is marked as a bad payer, 0 is not |
location.taxCode | String | The regional tax code this location is situated within |
location.exportCode | String | A code representing the organisation for exporting to external accounts packages |
location.oldId | String | The internal ID of the location in the previous system used |
location.companyNumber | String | The official registered company number |
location.bankAccount | String | The bank account number of the organisation at the location |
location.matterToSaveInvoicesOn | Int | The internal ID in Equinox of a matter, to which all invoices should be assigned, for this location |
location.accountsContactId | Int | The internal ID in Equinox of a contact that has been specified as the point of contact for accounts |
location.invoiceSettings | LocationInvoiceSettings | An object detailing the invoice settings |
Contact (Person) Object
Variable Name | Data Type | Description | | Int | The ID of the contact internally in Equinox |
person.organisationId | Int | ID of the organisation associated with the person |
person.locationId | Int | ID of the location associated with the person |
person.title | String | Person’s title |
person.firstName | String | Person’s first name |
person.middleName | String | Person’s middle name |
person.lastName | String | Person’s last name |
person.addressNameTitle | String | Person’s title used on correspondence |
person.addressNameFirst | String | Person’s first name used on correspondence |
person.addressNameMiddle | String | Person’s middle name used on correspondence |
person.addressNameSecond | String | Person’s second name used on correspondence | | String | Person’s full name |
person.addressName | String | Person’s full name used on correspondence |
person.letterName | String | Person’s letter name |
person.CC | String | Email address to be CC’d when emailing this person |
person.suffix | String |
person.address | String | Primary full address linked to this person |
person.address2 | String | Secondary full address linked to this person |
person.postCode | String | Post code of primary address | | String | Primary phone number for person |
person.phone2 | String | Person’s fax or secondary phone number |
person.phone3 | String | Person’s tertiary phone number |
person.phone4 | String | Person’s quaternary phone number |
person.phone5 | String | Person’s quinary phone number |
person.phone6 | String | Person’s senary phone number | | String | Person’s primary email address |
person.email2 | String | Person’s secondary email address |
person.jobTitle | String | Person’s job title |
person.salutation | String | Person’s salutation |
person.webPage | String | Web page associated with this person |
person.birthday | String | Person’s birthday |
person.setupDateTime | String | Date this person was added to Equinox |
person.setupByUser | String | User that added this person to Equinox |
person.modifiedDateTime | String | Date this person’s details were last updated |
person.modifiedByUser | String | User that last updated this person’s details |
person.groupId | String | ID of the group this person is associated with |
person.location | Location | An object detailing the location this person is attached to |
person.oldId | Int | The internal ID of the person in the previous system used |
person.language | String | The preferred language for correspondence with this person |
person.gender | String | Person’s gender |
person.xMasLetter | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the person is set to receive a xmas letter |
person.newsletter | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the person is set to receive a news letter |
person.mailingList | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the person is included in the mailing list |
person.notes | String | Notes added the this person’s record | | Int | 0 or 1 depending on whether the person |
User Object
Variable Name | Data Type | Description | | Int | ID of the Equinox user |
user.oldId | Int | The internal ID of the user in the previous system used |
user.subscriberId | Int | The internal ID of the organisation the user is a part of in Equinox |
user.username | String | User’s username | | String | Primary email address for this user |
user.secondaryEmail | String | Secondary email address for this user |
user.firstName | String | User’s first name |
user.secondName | String | User’s second name |
user.subscriberRef | String | The text-based reference of the organisation that the user is a part of |
user.loginCount | Int | The total amount of times the user has logged in |
user.lastLogin | Int | A timestamp of the last time that the user logged in |
user.notes | String | Notes added to this user’s record |
user.gender | String | User’s gender |
user.initials | String | The initials of user’s name |
user.legalEntity | String | The legal entity within the organisation that the user is a part of |
MatterCategory Object
Variable Name | Data Type | Description | | Int | ID of category |
mattercategory.definition | String | Definition of category | | String | Name of category |
MatterStatus Object
Variable Name | Data Type | Description | | Int | ID of status | | String | Name of status |
MatterSubCategory Object
Variable Name | Data Type | Description | | Int | ID of subcategory | | String | Name of Subcategory |
mattersubcategory.categoryType | String | Type of category the subcategory is associated with |
PresetTaskItem Object
Variable Name | Data Type | Description | | Int | ID of preset task item |
presettaskitem.presetGroupId | Int | ID of this task item’s preset group |
presettaskitem.baseDate | Sting | Base date of task item |
presettaskitem.description | String | Description of task item |
presettaskitem.offsetOperator | String | Operator of the offset of this task item |
presettaskitem.offsetUnit | String | Units of the offset |
presettaskitem.offsetAmount | String | Amount the task item is offset by |
presettaskitem.importance | Int | Number value of the task’s importance |
presettaskitem.user | String | Equinox user associated with the task item |
presettaskitem.emailReminder | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the email reminder is turned on |
presettaskitem.endOfMonth | Boolean | Does task get pushed to end of month automatically |
presettaskitem.taskType | Int | Number value of the type of task |
presettaskitem.documentId | Int | ID of the linked document template |
presettaskitem.parentId | Int | ID of the parent task |
presettaskitem.hasOverride | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on where the task item has an override |
presettaskitem.generateForClient | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the task item has been generated for the client |
presettaskitem.customisableByClient | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the task item is can be modified by the client |
presettaskitem.overrideForClient | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the client has an override |
presettaskitem.markAsDoneWithParent | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the task item should be marked as done when it’s parent is marked as done |
presettaskitem.moveTaskOnUntillParentDueDate | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the task item due date should be moved on to match the parent due date |
presettaskitem.expressionId | Int | ID of the expression |
presettaskitem.expressionAnswer | Boolean | Required value to generate the task |
presettaskitem.disableManualClose | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the task item should be allowed to be closed manually |
presettaskitem.components | ComponentInterface[] | Array of components associated with preset |
presettaskitem.workingInstructions | String | Instructions related to the task item |
LocationInvoiceSettings Object
Variable Name | Data Type | Description |
locationinvoicesettings.locationId | Int | ID of the location |
locationinvoicesettings.repeatFrequency | Int | How frequently invoices are autogenerated |
locationinvoicesettings.repeatUnit | String | How regularly invoices are auto generated |
locationinvoicesettings.startDate | String | Start date of invoice |
locationinvoicesettings.dayOfWeek | String | Which day of the week the invoice is generated on |
locationinvoicesettings.dayOfMonth | String | Which day of the month the invoice is generated on |
locationinvoicesettings.mode | Int | The type of invoice to be produced (combined or case by case) |
locationinvoicesettings.templateId | String | ID of the templated used when generating invoice |
locationinvoicesettings.currency | String | Currency set for the invoice |
locationinvoicesettings.VATmode | String | VAT mode that is set |
locationinvoicesettings.deliveryMethod | String | Delivery method set for the invoice generation |
locationinvoicesettings.taskUser | String | User of tasks associated with invoices |
locationinvoicesettings.language | String | Language of invoice |
locationinvoicesettings.isUpFrontPayer | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the client will pay the invoice upfront, or may use specified payment terms |
locationinvoicesettings.billingContact | Int | The internal ID in Equinox of a contact that has been specified as the point of contact for billing |
locationinvoicesettings.renewalBillingContact | Int | The internal ID in Equinox of a contact that has been specified as the point of contact for renewals billing |
locationinvoicesettings.paymentTerm | String | Specific payment term details for the client on this invoice |
locationinvoicesettings.notesForFinanceWizard | String | Notes to appear when creating an invoice through the wizard |
locationinvoicesettings.badDebtor | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the client has been logged as a bad payer |
Custom Field Object
Variable Name | Data Type | Description | | Int | ID of the custom field | | String | Name of the custom field |
customField.type | String | Type of data the custom field stores |
customField.value | String | Value entered to this custom field |
customField.entityType | String | Area of the system the custom field applies to (e.g. documents, charges) |
customField.required | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the field is required |
customField.possibleValues | PossibleValues[] | An array of valid values that can be selected for this custom field |
Charge Object
Variable Name | Data Type | Description | | Int | ID of the custom field |
charge.orgId | Int | ID of the organisation |
charge.userId | Int | ID of the user |
charge.matterUserId | Int | ID of the user related to a charge on a matter |
charge.matterId | Int | ID of the matter the charge is related to |
charge.time | Int | The total time recorded by a user when inputting a charge |
charge.billDate | String | The date the invoice was billed if the charge was included on an invoice |
charge.description | String | A text-based description of what the charge is for |
charge.legalEntityId | Int | The ID of the legal entity the charge is associated with |
charge.category | String | The main type of the charge; either Time, Fixed or Cost |
charge.subCategory | Int | The ID of the sub type of the charge |
charge.paymentReference | String | A payment reference that has been applied to a charge |
charge.supportingDocId | Int | The ID of a document related to this charge |
charge.notes | String | Notes providing extra details about a charge |
charge.status | String | The current state of a charge in it’s lifecycle |
charge.amount | Int | The original charge amount before any adjustments have been made to it |
charge.adjustment | Int | A figure to adjust the amount of a charge by | | Int | The amount of a charge’s total that has been marked as a discount. |
charge.discountPercentage | Int | Percentage discount, indicating the percentage of this charge that should be marked as a discount. Value should be between 0 and 100. |
charge.chargeRate | Int | The hourly rate that time charges are worked out against |
charge.currency | String | A text reference for the type of currency the charge has been created as |
charge.currencyAmount | Int | The converted charge amount into the selected currency |
charge.currencyRate | Int | The conversion rate used to convert the charge amount to the selected currency |
charge.currencyMarkup | Int | The amount of the mark up that has been applied to a converted charge |
charge.currencyCharge | Int | The amount of the currency charge |
charge.billed | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the charge has been billed |
charge.potentialForVAT | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the charge |
charge.billGuideNumber | Int | The internal ID representing the invoice that a billed charge has been associated with |
charge.invoiceNumber | Int | The user supplied invoice reference number associated with a billed charge |
charge.adjustmentReason | String | A text-based explanation for why an adjustment was applied to a charge |
charge.writeOffReason | String | A text-based explanation for why a charge was written off |
charge.discountReason | String | A text-based explanation for why an discount was applied to a charge |
charge.chargeSheetId | Int | The internal ID of the chargesheet item that this charge has been created from |
charge.setupBy | Int | The internal ID of the user that created the charge |
charge.setupDateTime | String | A time stamp of when the charge was initially created |
charge.chargeSheetEntry | ChargeSheetItem[] | An object representing the chargesheet item related to the charge |
charge.disableSaving | Boolean | True or False depending on whether saving has been disabled for the charge |
charge.multiplier | Int | A multiplier that can be used to increase the value of a charge |
charge.discountRuleAppliedId | Int | The internal ID of the discount rule applied to the charge |
charge.discountRuleObject | DiscountRule[] | An object representing the discount rule that has been applied |
charge.invoiceAmount | Int | The total amount of the invoice which the charge was included on when billed |
charge.vatAmount | Int | The amount of VAT that is applicable on the charge |
charge.vatCurrencyAmount | Int | The amount of VAT that is applicable on a charge converted to a different currency |
charge.nonChargeable | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the charge has been marked as non-chargeable or not |
charge.isRenewalCharge | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the charge is listed as a renewals charge |
charge.associatedLocation | String | Charge Associated associated Location |
Variable Name | Data Type | Description | | Int | The internal ID of the chargesheet item |
chargeSheetItem.subscriberId | Int | The internal ID of the Equinox subscriber | | String | A group name applied to the chargesheet item |
chargeSheetItem.code | String | A reference number that applies to the chargesheet item |
chargeSheetItem.sequence | Int | A number that can be used to place the chargesheet item higher or lower in relation to other charge sheet items |
chargeSheetItem.description | String | A text-based description of the chargesheet item |
chargeSheetItem.descriptionDutch | String | A text-based description of the chargesheet item in Dutch |
chargeSheetItem.descriptionFrench | String | A text-based description of the chargesheet item in French |
chargeSheetItem.nominator | Int | The internal ID of the nominator associated with this chargesheet item | | String | A text-based ISO reference that allows chargesheet items to be filtered against countries |
chargeSheetItem.matterCategory | Int | The internal ID of a category in Equinox that this chargesheet item should relate to |
chargeSheetItem.matterSubCategory | Int | The internal ID of a category in Equinox that this chargesheet item should relate to |
chargeSheetItem.chargeCategory | String | The main type of the chargesheet item; either Time, Fixed or Cost |
chargeSheetItem.chargeSubCategory | Int | The ID of the sub type of the chargesheet item |
chargeSheetItem.currency | String | A text-based ISO reference for the currency |
chargeSheetItem.amount | Int | A default amount for the chargesheet item when it is added as a charge |
chargeSheetItem.includeMarkup | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the mark up should be included on the chargesheet item when it is added as a charge |
chargeSheetItem.notes | String | A text-based note providing additional information about a chargesheet item |
chargeSheetItem.isRenewal | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the chargesheet item will be used for renewals |
chargeSheetItem.year | Int | A year reference for chargesheet items to determine which renewal period it is for |
chargeSheetItem.discountsDisabled | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending whether discounts should be disabled for the chargesheet item |
chargeSheetItem.autoWIPApproval | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending whether the charge should be automatically approved for WIP |
chargeSheetItem.fixedFeeChargeBehaviour | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending whether the charge should have fixed fee behaviour |
chargeSheetItem.incomingLedgerCode | Int | A reference representing the incoming ledger code |
chargeSheetItem.expression | String | An expression that has been set on the chargesheet item to enable custom functionality |
chargeSheetItem.expressionData1 | Int | Data required for the expression to work on the chargesheet item |
chargeSheetItem.expressionData2 | Int | Data required for the expression to work on the chargesheet item |
chargeSheetItem.special | Int | The internal ID of the type of special functionality that has been enabled on a charge. 0 is off, 1 is multiplier, 2 is expression |
chargeSheetItem.collection | Int | The internal ID of the workflow group (or collection) that the chargesheet item belongs to. |
chargeSheetItem.user | String | Either the internal ID of the user assigned to the charge or a reference to which key user on any case should be responsible for a charge |
chargeSheetItem.extraCharge | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether there is a renewal extra charge associated with the chargesheet item |
chargeSheetItem.nonChargeable | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the chargesheet item has been marked as chargeable or nonchargeable |
Variable Name | Data Type | Description |
task.parentTask | Int | The internal ID of the parent task of the current task | | Int | The internal ID of the task |
task.description | String | A textual description of the task |
task.doneDate | String | The date at which the task was set to completed by the user |
task.matterId | Int | The internal ID of the matter within Equinox which the task is assigned to |
task.matterCode | String | The reference number of the matter within Equinox which the task is assigned to |
task.clientId | Int | The internal ID of the client the task has been associated with |
task.client | String | The name of the client with which the task is associated with |
task.presetItemId | Int | The internal ID of the preset item that the task has been created from |
task.dueDate | String | The current date that the task is due to be completed by |
task.status | Int | The status code for the task |
task.statusName | String | A text-based reference for the status code of the task |
task.importance | Int | The importance code for the task |
task.importanceName | String | A text-based reference for the importance code of the task |
task.formallyExtended | Boolean | 0 or 1 depending on whether the task’s due date has had a formal extension |
task.user | Int | The internal ID of the user that has been set as responsible for the task |
task.type |
task.typeName |
task.notes |
task.parentTaskId |
task.components |
task.workFlowLogId |
task.attachedTemplate |
task.setupDate |
task.linkedDocuments |
task.outgoingDiscarded |
task.recipientId |
task.deliveryMethodOverride |
task.workflowPromptId |
task.originalDueDate | String | The date that the task was due to be completed by when the task was created |