Equinox Version 8 was released between January-March 2020. For some servers, this update was combined with Version 8.3.

Some of the new features are not enabled by default. Please contact our Support Team to start using these features as indicated in the table below.

System AreaNew FeatureDescriptionContact Support to Use
Address Book & ContactsAdvanced Person SearchWhen adding an existing person to a Location, there is an Advanced Search option.

Correspondence'Send From' EmailAbility to generate emails from shared email addressesRequires Smart Template functionality, see V8.1
Finance & ChargesImproved handling of Incoming invoices New field to record the Associate linked to the invoice and a field to record a Parent charge
System SetupImprovements to Smart Template Text EditorImproves spacing, line breaks and formatting within Smart Templates.

Requires Smart Template functionality, see V8.1
Improved Password SecurityAbility to set password requirements for users within your Equinox system.
E.g. password must be 10 characters long, including a number.
Pink ThemeAmend the colour of your Equinox system to pink in your User Preferences.