This article outlines how to see the people that are available to correspond with on your cases.


View the Correspondence Contacts on a case

To view the Correspondence Contacts on a case:

  1. Open the case you want to view the contacts for

  2. Click the Contacts tab

Applicant, Inventor and Licensees

The Applicant, Inventor and Licensee tabs list all these contacts linked to the case.

Client, Associate and Otherside

The Client, Associate and Otherside sections will display contacts differently depending on whether your Equinox account uses the Correspondence Management functionality.

Standard Correspondence

If Correspondence Management is not enabled within your Equinox account, all People at the Organisations linked to the case will be listed. 

You can restrict the list of People to view a single 'Key Contact' if needed.

Correspondence Management

If Correspondence Management is enabled within your Equinox account People will only be visible on the Contacts tab of a case if they are set up as Correspondence Contacts.

Please see our Correspondence Management article for more information on this functionality.

Correspondence Contacts are listed in four categories:

  • Correspondence
  • Billing Correspondence
  • Renewal Correspondence
  • Renewal Billing