The Applicant, Inventor and Licensee Contacts menu list all the contacts currently added within this section of your Address Book.

It is possible to add new contacts by clicking the ‘Add Contact’ button in the top left of the page.


Search Options

Contacts Overview Table

The following columns of information display an overview of existing contacts in the Address Book.




The name of the contact used for internal reference within Equinox.

Formal Name

The official name of the contact as it appears on official registers.


This indicates the category of the contact. It possible for a contact to fall into more than one category. E.g. Applicant and Inventor.


This indicates if an address has been recorded for the contact.  

Client Links

This displays a list of the clients the contact is linked to as a Statutory Contact. The number on the far right indicates the number of linked clients. Click this number to expand the column and see a full list of the linked clients.


Search Filters

The fields and drop down lists across the top of each column can be used to filter the contacts that are displayed.

When filtering by Type the following options are available:



All Applicants

View a list of any contacts that are Applicants.

All Inventors

View a list of any contacts that are Inventors.


View a list of contacts that are both Applicants and Inventors.


View a list of contacts that are only Applicants.


View a list of contacts that are only Inventors.


View a list of any contacts that are Licensees.


Click ‘Filter’ to return any contacts that match the information entered. Click ‘Clear Filter’ to display all contacts again.

Display Options

The ‘Items per page’ drop down enables users to select the maximum number of results displayed per page. Click ‘Next’ or ‘Prev’ at the bottom of the page to view any contacts on subsequent or previous pages.

Left Hand Menu

The options in the left hand menu are outlined in the table below:



Export to Reports

This option enables users to download the table of Client, Associate and Other Side contacts in PDF, Excel or CSV format.