This section outlines how to use the Equinox Billing Wizard to generate invoices in Equinox.

The Billing Wizard can be started in several ways:


For more information see section:

Charges Tab of a case > Billing Button

Single Case Billing

Charges Tab of a case > Combined Invoice

Combined Case Billing

Finance Tab > Combined Invoices

Combined Case Billing

Finance Tab > Monthly Invoices

Monthly Billing


There are 3 steps to generate the invoice:


Note: It is possible to generate an invoice preview at Step 3 of the Billing Wizard before creating a final invoice.

Within the Billing Wizard, a summary of the invoice and billing contact is displayed in a header at the top of each step.



Invoice For Case

Displays the Case Code and Short Title of the linked case.
Note: Split, Combined and Monthly invoices do not display a case code.


Displays the name of the billing client of the case.

Bills Sent to

Displays the address of the billing location.

Invoice Currency

Displays the currency the invoice will be generated in.


Displays if any Billing Discounts are set.

Note: Billing Discounts are different from Charge Discounts. Please see the section on ‘Discounts’.


Please read on for an outline of each Step.

Step 1 – Currency and Discounts

This step enables users to set the currency and add billing discounts for the invoice.

The screen is split into the following sections:


Cancel/Back Button


Exit the Billing Wizard/Proceed to the next Step.

Outstanding Previews

This will only be displayed if a previous draft for the invoice has been generated.

- Click the ‘Preview Number’ to re-open this draft (you will not be able to adjust the charge amounts)

- Click ‘Discard Preview’ on the right to generate a new invoice

Charge Selection

Allow Billing of Future Charges


Tick this to enable charges that have been added with a date in the future to be selected at Step 2 of the Billing Wizard.


Change Currency

The currency will be your system’s default currency unless a custom currency has been added in the Address Book.


Click this button to change the invoice currency.

Select the correct currency from the ‘Billing Currency’ dropdown. (Please see the module on Finance Configuration for more information on setting Billing Currencies).

Add Percentage Discounts

Billing Discounts will be set to 0 unless an automatic discount has been set for the contact within the Address Book.

Click this button to add a percentage discount to either:

‘Professional Fees’ (Time Charges)

‘Standard Charges’ (Fixed Charges)

The discount will be applied to charges at Step 2 of the Billing Wizard.

Billing Notes

Any notes that have been added to the location in the Address Book will be displayed here.


Note: Additional options are available in Step 1 for Split and Monthly invoices.

Click ‘Next’ to proceed to Step 2.

Step 2 – Invoice Adjustments

This step enables users to select which charges to include within the invoice and edit the charge details.

The screen is split into the following sections:

VAT Settings



If the billing contact is based in your country VAT will be selected automatically.

Users can tick this option to manually apply VAT.


Charge Selection


Choose which unbilled charges to include within the invoice.

By default, all charges are ticked.

Use the tick boxes on the left to manually untick any that should not be included.




Exit the Billing Wizard/Go to the previous Step/Proceed to the next Step



Adjust Amount

There are 2 options to adjust the charge amounts:


1. Edit individual charges 

  • Type the new about in the ‘Final’ field
  • The new amount is saved when you click ‘Next’


Note: Individual charge adjustments are visible in the charge Details after the charge has been billed. These cannot be edited after the charge is billed.


2. Add an adjustment to a category of charges

  • Choose the category to add a fixed adjustment to (e.g. add a fixed amount of £50 as a Time Charge)
  • Edit the Description
  • Enter the amount to adjust by
  • Click ‘Add’


Note: Charge category adjustments are added as a separate charge to the case. It is possible to disable the option to add adjustments in the billing wizard.

Change Text

Edit the charge descriptions to display within the invoice.


Note: The edited charge descriptions will only be displayed in the invoice, The original charge descriptions are retained in the Charge details after the charge has been billed.

Re-Order Charges

Drag and re-arrange how the charges will be listed within the invoice. See ‘Invoice Charge Grouping’ or more information on configuring available groups.

Charge Summary


The summary of charges included within the invoice is displayed at the bottom of this screen to advise:

  • Charge Amounts by Category
  • VAT Amount
  • Billing Discounts that are applied
  • Totals


Choose between the Summary and Detailed option.


Click ‘Next’ to proceed to Step 3.

Step 3 – Produce Invoice

The final step enables users to produce an invoice.

This screen in split into the following sections:

Invoice Type

Preview (Optional)

Select this option if you are generating a draft (preview) invoice. This will enable you to download the preview without marking the charges as billed. Users can double check the draft and go back through the Billing Wizard to Bill Charges and produce the final invoice or discard the preview and make amendments.


Bill Charges


This generates the final invoice and marks that charges as billed.

Invoice are stored under Finance > Invoices for future reference.


Invoice Settings

Invoice Layout


Select the invoice template to use.

Invoice Number

Enter the invoice number. The previous invoice number is displayed to the right.

If your system uses invoice number generation this will be populated automatically.

If you have selected to generate a preview this field displays ‘PREVIEW’ and cannot be edited.

Released Invoice Numbers


This option provides a list of numbers that have been used on previous invoices that have since been deleted or unbilled.

Select a previously used invoice number to use as the Invoice Number if needed. The number will automatically populate the Invoice Number field.

Note: This option is only visible for ‘Bill Charges’ it is not visible on ‘Preview’.

Billing Reference (Optional)

Enter an internal billing reference.

Invoice Date

This defaults to today’s date. Amend this if needed.


Save Preview For Later Modifications

This is only visible on Preview mode.

When ticked the preview will be saved for future reference under Finance > Unbilled Previews.

Save To Documents Store

This is only visible on Bill Charges mode

When ticked the invoice will automatically be saved to the Documents tab of the case.

Contact our support team to untick this option by default.




Exist Billing Wizard/Return to the previous step/Generate the invoice/Generate the preview


When selecting Preview the draft invoice will be downloaded in your internet browser.

When selecting Bill you will be taken to a screen to download the final invoice:

  1. Click ‘Download Invoice’
  2. The invoice will download in your browser, save it locally if needed
  3. Click ‘Exit Wizard’ to be returned to the Charges tab/Finance tab

Note: By default, invoices are generated as .RTF files. It is possible to generate invoices as PDF files. Please contact our Support team if you would like to enable this.