Within Equinox, you can link correspondence templates or collections of templates to a pre-set task. When templates are linked, users are prompted to generate certain correspondence for clients when the task is picked up to complete. 

E.g., For a task designed to ‘Report Filling to Client’ a letter template to report this information can be linked to the task as an ‘Associated Template’.

Note: To create templates, go to System > Standard Templates. Users require certain permissions to be able to create templates. See the System Configuration section of the Help Centre for more information.

Add an associated template

  1. Go to System > Pre-set Tasks

  2. Click on the pre-set you want to edit 

  3. Click Edit next to the task you want to link to a template

  1. Click Add associated template

  2. Select the template you want to use. Under Letter Settings you'll find:

    • Related templates - select from list

    • All other templates - select from dropdown

  3. Click Update


  1. You can now see the selected template under Letter Settings.

Add an associated template collection

To link a collection of associated correspondence templates to a pre-set task:

  1. Go to System > Pre-set Tasks

  2. Click on the pre-set you want to edit 

  3. Click Edit next to the task you want to link to a template

  1. Under Letter Settings click Associated Template Collection

  2. Select the template collection you want to use from the dropdown menu

  3. Click Update

  4. You'll now see a message saying 'Has an associated letter collection "New Collection."'