This article outlines how to edit and delete pre-set tasks within the pre-set task configuration screen.

To access a pre-set task list:

  1. Go to the System tab > Pre-set Tasks 
  2. Find the pre-set you are amending 
  3. Click on the Pre-set Name

Please see the sub-sections below for more information:

Edit a Pre-set

After clicking on a pre-set task list, the following information is displayed and can be amended:




This displays the pre-set settings e.g. which cases the pre-set is designed for, the date that triggers the pre-set and pre-set name.


This displays any Custom Dates that are created to calculate deadlines of tasks in the pre-set.


This lists all tasks that are included in the pre-set. 

Click ‘Edit’ next to a task to view and amend the task information.


  • After making any changes, click ‘Update’ to save

Note: Any changes made to a pre-set will affect future tasks that are added to the system. Any existing tasks will not be updated. 

Delete an Individual Pre-set Task

If you have added a pre-set task incorrectly or no longer require a task you can delete an individual task within the pre-set.

  1. Click ‘Edit’ next to the task you want to delete.
  2. Tick the ‘Delete’ option
  3. Click ‘Update’ to delete the task

The pre-set and any other tasks within the pre-set will not be deleted.

Note: Users require system permissions to be able to delete pre-set tasks.

Delete an Entire Pre-set Task List

If a pre-set task list is no longer required in your system, the pre-set task list can be deleted.

  1. Click ‘Delete’ in the top left of the page
  2. Tick ‘Confirm Delete’ on the confirmation screen and click ‘Delete’

Note: This will delete the pre-set from your system but will NOT delete any existing tasks in your system that have been created from this pre-set. This action cannot be reversed.